Homosexuality: A thoughtful discussion between two agreeable but disagreeing Mormons
thoughtful Mormon responded to my recent op-ed advocating an LDS
embrace of same-sex marriage. The following is our dialogue, for those
who are interested.
"Dear Brad,
I read your opinion piece in the SL Tribune: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/opinion/53825333-82/marriage-sex-gay-church.html.csp#disqus_thread
It is clear to me that the spirit and intention of your article and
efforts on behalf of the LDS-gay community are love and compassion.
> Thanks for so recognizing. <
I share in your desire to show compassion to a group that is often shunned, bullied, and mistreated.
> I can tell already we have a lot of common ground. <
The way so many people, who profess to be disciples of Christ, mistreat
others who ‘sin differently than themselves’ is sad and filled with
hypocrisy. I grew up in San Francisco and was exposed to every type of
diversity imaginable. I have always been friends with people of all
walks of life and tried to be a loving Christian in my interactions with
all people.
> That's cool. <
I’ve never been perfect, but I have never bullied, shunned, or been unkind to anyone.
My profession is mental health and marriage/family relationships.
> Awesome <
As an active Latter-day Saint, I am not a ‘typical Mormon’. Depending
on the topic and context, I could be considered moderate, liberal, or
conservative. Personally, I don’t like any labels because there is not
one that is all-inclusive and would adequately portray me and my
With that very brief background, I want to share
with you several concerns that I have with the homosexual movement and
why it would never make sense for the LDS Church to sanction
homosexuality and same-sex marriage. This email is not written in the
spirit of contention or malice. It is written in brotherly love and a
desire for mutual understanding.
> I'm open <
I am
not intending to refute every tenet of your article or anything like
that. I am simply giving you my perspective on this 'hot button' issue
with the hope to show you why many fellow Latter-day Saints disagree
with your underlying premises.
> Fair enough. I affirm your
perspective. To the extent that you're inviting a dialogue, I will
answer some of your arguments below in brief, but please note that I
have addressed most of your points in greater depth in my book,
Homosexuality: A Straight BYU Student's Perspective, which you can
download for free (http://www.scribd.com/doc/44716106/Homosexuality-a-Straight-BYU-Student-27s-Perspective-Draft-2h). Chapter 5 is especially relevant to our discussion here. <
Doctrinally, the acceptance of homosexuality and ‘gay marriage’ completely undermines the core of LDS theology.
The most important doctrine of the church is the Atonement of Jesus
Christ. The next most important doctrine is Agency and with Agency
comes Accountability.
> I agree at least that these doctrines are
significant. I include a detailed discussion on Atonement, Agency, and
Accountability in the context of homosexuality in my book (http://www.scribd.com/doc/44716106/Homosexuality-a-Straight-BYU-Student-27s-Perspective-Draft-2h), chapter 3. <
Religious history (both canonized and historical) has been clear about
sexual sin. Sex outside of marriage has always been considered sin. In
the history of humankind, marriage has never included same-sex
partners, among the covenant people. The only known form of marriage
among God’s covenant people, starting with Adam and Eve, is man-woman
marriage. ‘Neither the man without the woman, nor the woman without the
man, in the Lord.’ The only exception being plural marriage, but even
that has always been man-woman, multiplied.
> Even if you're
correct about the history, that tradition does not preclude the
possibility of same-sex marriage anymore than a 2-person marriage
tradition precluded plural marriage. God can always change what is and
is not sin, and has done so numerous times through history, including
recent history. <
Homosexual sex acts have always been a sin
for at least two reasons: 1) God has never sanctioned ‘gay marriage’,
therefore 100% of those who have had homosexual sex have done so out of
wedlock, which is a sin. 2) Sodomy, the preferred sexual act of
homosexual men, has been labeled a sin-among many other sexual
perversions. So, even if society allowed ‘gay marriage’, the sexual act
would still be sin. I'm being simplistic here, but God really has
established homosexual sex as sin throughout the history of religion.
> That assertion is overbroad, as there is historical evidence for
permission of homosexual acts in several religious traditions. Even
within an LDS or LDS canonical analysis, there is significant and
well-founded debate on the origins, consistency, and application of the
per se sinful tag you associate with homosexual acts (see chapter 5 of
my book for greater depth on this score, especially the scripture
section). (http://www.scribd.com/doc/44716106/Homosexuality-a-Straight-BYU-Student-27s-Perspective-Draft-2h)
Finally, I would ask whether lesbian sex is proscribed under your
construction of sexual morality. Thus far you have focused on the sexual
act between men- would you proscribe sexual/physical intimacy between
women, and if so where would you draw the line and what's your doctrinal
basis for doing so? What does lesbian sex even look like? <
Let me go back to how homosexuality undermines core LDS theology.
Society wants all of us to re-label homosexual behavior as acceptable
and not sinful.
> Again, the assertion is overly broad. There
exists no universal directive from "society" (rather, societal messages
are diverse), and many of the more moderate elements have softer
requests (e.g. accepting marital homosexual behavior, but not all
homosexual behavior). Also, I think even you would sanction some
homosexual behavior, such as emotional intimacy between two lesbian
women. As with heterosexuality and heterosexual orientation,
homosexuality and homosexual orientation covers a broad spectrum of
physical, spiritual, emotional, sexual, and romantic attractions and
relationships that defy a reduction to sexual acts. <
Because they want us all to embrace the ‘fact’ that they were ‘born
this way’. In other words, if biology dictates it, then it can’t be
>This proposition mischaracterizes the reasoning of many
who affirm same-sex marriage. Their ethical justification centers on
equality and/or utilitarian considerations, and does not succeed or fail
as a necessary consequence of biological determinism. That being said,
homosexual orientation does exist, and homosexuals usually are, quite
literally, born that way. In that limited sense your assertion is
accurate- there can be nothing immoral about unchosen homosexual
orientation. <
Therefore, biology determines ‘who I am’
and there is nothing I can do about it. This deterministic stance is
antithetical to the core LDS doctrine of Agency. If I believe that
biology determines 'who I am', then I should embrace it and so should
society and the church. Therefore, if my biology is determining my
behavior, there should not be any negative consequences. Not having a
choice and therefore not having consequences takes away Accountability.
> This reasoning is overly simplistic, and caricatures the claims of
many marriage equality advocates. There is a difference between
embracing "it" (a sexual identity) and "it" (a same-sex relationship).
None of us consciously chooses our beginning anatomy- our height, for
instance, is not something we have much control over. You're not
choosing to replicate DNA right now, but nonetheless your cells are
doing it, and that on a grand scale, every moment of every day. A
homosexual orientation is quite similar in its biological/non-chosen
Many reasonable same-sex marriage advocates, myself
included, don't adopt a biological determinism justification. What we do
adopt is an acknowledgement of the reality that a homosexual
orientation usually includes feelings of romantic, emotional, sexual,
and spiritual attraction to a subset of members of one sex, much as
heterosexual orientation does. We also observe that a loving,
consensual, romantic/emotional/sexual relationship between two people
can be very positive and healthy, and should be an available choice to
adult homosexual individuals. The moral consequences of these couplings
are more positive and significant than, say, a nonconsensual coupling
between an adult and a shoe or an adult and a prepubescent child (two
examples that you reference subsequently). The moral consequences are
quite similar, in fact, to those we witness flowing from heterosexual
couplings such as your own. I would anticipate that you would recognize
that equivalence if you have unbiased experience working with same-sex
couples as part of your marriage work. The members of a same-sex couple
are accountable for the consequences of that relationship, as are
straight couples. Thus the option of same-sex marriage expands agency,
rather than limits accountability. <
So, if I must be
determined by my biology (no agency) and I should accept the resulting
behavior of my biological drives and urges (no true accountability),
then my biology is also determining that this behavior is not sin. If
biology and society determine that there is not sin, there is no need
for a God and for an Atonement (the core doctrine of our church).
After the Atonement, Agency and Accountability, the next most important
LDS doctrine is Eternal Marriage between a man and a woman.
> What is the basis for the doctrinal hierarchy you posit? <
D&C 131-132 make it very clear how essential this doctrine is throughout eternity.
> What is not clear, however, is how to discern between a man and a
woman. This common-sense proposition, it turns out, is anything but. See
my "Mormonism Beyond the Gender Binary" article (http://www.feministmormonhousewives.org/?p=7905) and presentation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocUHzmK6IjU).
The doctrine, even if vital, turns out to be wholly inapplicable
because it is based on an unsupported assumption. I'll say it again.
Mormonism's gender binary, based on a doctrine of spiritual sex, is
inapplicable in the waking world because it necessarily relies on an
unwarranted assumption that a spattering of photons of hitting our
retinas (when our brains tell us, "hey that's a boy" or "that's a girl')
proves an individual's spiritual sex. Check out the video presentation.
‘Gay marriage’ cannot work in light of this fundamental
doctrine and the natural and eternal result of having children-which is
only possible (on earth and in the eternities) with a man and a woman.
> Your assertion is factually inaccurate. It is also somewhat ironic
to weight biology so heavily here when you treated it so dismissively
above in your Agency discussion. I have all the genes needed in my own
cheek swab to manufacture a human egg. Already a mouse has been
procreated with two and only two biological parents- two male mice.
Human reproduction is entirely feasible absent both sexes (for greater
depth see my narrated powerpoint presentation, Why Mormonism Can Abide
Gay Marriage - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1jDUcBKml0).
I anticipate that you would affirm the postgender future that gives us
more reproductive choice, since you have expressed allegiance earlier to
the principle of Agency. In addition, your reasoning would also
potentially exclude infertile man-woman couples based on their inability
to have children on earth. Last, what is your basis for asserting that
two women can't have children in the eternities, or indeed that we have
anything besides speculation on the subject of the mechanics of
spiritual procreation? <
There is a lot more that I could
say, but I can only come to two conclusions, if an active Latter-day
Saint believes homosexuality should be embraced along with ‘gay
marriage’. 1) This LDS person does not have a clear understanding of
core LDS doctrine and theology, or, 2) This person has not gained a
converted acceptance of the core LDS doctrine and theology.
> A
third possibility is that there are very good reasons for an LDS person
with a converted acceptance to core LDS doctrine and theology to simply
disagree with your interpretation and application of said doctrine. I
hope you are not arrogant enough to claim that you are the final arbiter
of LDS doctrine, or that yours is the only clear understanding. <
The entire Plan of Salvation is undermined by homosexuality.
> I wholly disagree, for reasons I've explained more fully in "Why Mormonism Can Abide Gay Marriage - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1jDUcBKml0). <
That is why I respectfully and lovingly disagree with your opinion piece.
> I affirm your opinion, and appreciate your loving and respectful presentment. <
You come across as a great man with a lot of good to offer and I
appreciate that. But, I ask you to truly study the doctrine and then
decide what you are going to spend your time promoting.
> I'm
open to altering my activities and my doctrinal interpretations. I'll
admit though that I haven't found your arguments thus far very
persuasive. <
If one of my sons ever came to me and said,
“Dad, I’m gay.” I would continue to love them with all my heart. And I
would also lovingly make it clear the act of homosexuality is a sin
that truly can be overcome through the Atonement of Christ. Now, it
would probably take therapy and possibly an acceptance that the
tendencies would not completely go away in this life. But, I truly
believe Christ when He says that 'His grace is sufficient'. I would
never stop working to help my son understand that he has the agency to
choose not to give in and act upon these tendencies, regardless if they
are something he felt he was born with. Any other response from me, as a
converted Latter-day Saint, would not be authentic and honest as one
who embraces core LDS doctrine.
> I affirm your response to your
son and the authenticity of your embrace of your understanding of core
LDS doctrine. However, if you'll permit an evaluation, it could be seen
as cruel and unnecessary to forbid an individual from forming romantic
relationships. Can you imagine teaching your straight son that falling
in love with and marrying a woman is sinfully giving in to a "tendency?"
That the mysterious, wonderful, noble realities of human romantic and
sexual love are evil because of the anatomy of your partner? Can you
imagine the needless sorrow if we were tomorrow informed that
heterosexuality is a sin? Would you be willing to describe your
relationship with your wife as sin if tomorrow God truly reveals through
President Monson that heterosexual behavior is a sinful? <
Furthermore, it’s essential to note that I have read the research and
there are some who do seem to be ‘born with’ sexual attraction to the
same gender.
> Some? If you've read the research, then shouldn't
you conclude that at least almost all homosexually oriented persons
are, as you describe, "born with" their orientation? <
However, there are also some who are ‘born with’ sexual attraction to
their siblings, parents, prepubescent children, animals, and in other
cases-objects such as manequins, shoes, and so forth. The problem with
all of these sexual attraction deviations is our very bodies demonstrate
what is sexually natural. A man and a woman naturally go together
> You are making a version of the naturalist argument
Robert George posited in his article, "What is Marriage?" I made a
(successful in my view) thorough excoriation of his reasoning at an
academic pro-family conference in Provo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfYqQe-VnHU). Body-based naturalist claims are rife with inconsistencies- watch my presentation for the reasons why. <
So, from a biological perspective, if we accept homosexuality as
another form of 'natural sexuality', we must accept everything else to
remain truly consistent. If we do not draw a firm line with biology,
then we cannot draw any line at all.
> Nope. There are, in fact,
rather easy lines to draw that maintain consistency. Those lines are
"adult human" and "consent." These lines include same and opposite sex
couples but exclude the mannequins and animals you are concerned about.
Any one of these people who have other sexual deviations
from heterosexuality could use all the same arguments as homosexuals are
using. “I am born this way.” “This is who I am.” “You and I must
accept it and you must make sure I’m allowed to act on it because this
is who I am.”
Finally, in my professional experience of
working with families, the qualitative and quantitative research
findings are undeniable. A child who is raised in a loving home with a
mother and a father, (preferably their biological parents) are MUCH
better off in every category than another child raised in different
> This assertion is an absolute non sequitur.
Your assertion targets a particular circumstance (same-sex households),
and there are painfully few studies where that demographic was compared
to others, such as the biological parent category you baseline. The
studies that do exist conclude that very little about the number of
genders in the parenting couple is important, though on some measures
the children of lesbian parents "turn out" better than their
counterparts in opposite-sex families. <
these children overwhelming make the most postive contributions to
society. Supporting anything other than marriage between a man and a
woman, opens the door for families to continue to be redefined, opening a
‘can of worms’ to what society accepts as an appropriate family for a
child to be raised in. Studies (and common sense) clearly equate
deviation from traditional family with the demise of society.
You'll forgive me from pointing out the delicious irony in your
reasoning. "Supporting anything other than marriage between a man and a
woman opens the doors to a slippery slope of redefining what society
accepts as an appropriate family to be raised in. Studies clearly equate
deviation from traditional family with the demise of society. We are
then well justified in opposing Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and those
damn polygamous Mormons." Your reasoning could have been lifted straight
from an anti-polygamy tract in the late nineteenth century. Wouldn't it
make sense, instead, for Mormons to show a little more tolerance for
alternate marriage forms that they personally disagree with? Also, I am
definitely going to call you on your general claim that studies equate
not-traditional family structures with the demise of society. What
studies? What common sense? What is the demise of society, and wouldn't
that degeneration depend on the specifics of a particular "deviation?"
I'd prefer the titles and authors, at least, of the studies you
reference. <
So, from a core LDS doctrinal perspective, a
biological perspective, and sociological perspective I cannot, in good
conscience, support the acceptance or promotion of homosexual behavior
and same-sex marriage.
> And perhaps, after reviewing my
presentations, book, videos, and responses here, your opinion has not
changed. However, yours is no the only biological, sociological, or core
LDS doctrinal, perspective. I assert further that yours is by no means
necessarily the best supported one. <
Once again, I love all of my friends who proclaim themselves to be homosexual.
> Is there a reason you included the "proclaim themselves" phrase? I
love all my friends who proclaim themselves to be heterosexual. Doesn't
that sound a little off to you? Why not assume they're telling the
truth and instead say you love your homosexual friends? Homosexuals
exist, they really do. <
However, as a Latter-day Saint, and as a
family relationship professional, and as one who wants our children to
grow up in the best situation possible, I am committed to standing up
for traditional marriage and natural sexual relations being saved for
> Sexual relations between two gay persons of the same
gender are natural, and there are lower-hanging fruits you could target
if you're interested in child welfare (such as teaching parents conflict
resolution skills, early detection of drug and child abuse, economic
stability for families, divorce, etc.). Very few, if any, of your
pro-family values would be sacrificed by affirming gay marriage. When
marriage is more universally available and expected (which is the
outcome when gay marriage is accepted, since it makes a healthy marriage
more available to gay persons who face risky mixed-orientation
marriages or celibacy otherwise), it is strengthened. My embrace of gay
marriage DERIVES from, rather than contradicts, my family advocacy. <
You seem to be a great person, full of love and compassion, and a
desire to do good. I hope you decide to use your talents to promote
things that will actually help society, instead of what I’m seeing in
the underlying premises of your article.
Please know that this email is written in love and concern and a desire to truly be helpful.
> I believe it is. You strike me as well-informed, thoughtful, and
caring. My position is doubtlessly flawed, and I appreciate your desire
to be helpful. <
I wish you all the best in your life.
> Thank you.
He did make a glaring error actually. The sin of Sodom was not anal sex, it was not caring for the poor. Selfishness and non-charity were the reasons that God wiped the city off the earth.
ReplyDelete"Sodomy" may be used to refer to anal sex, but there again, it's worth noting (according to authoritative sources like Kinsey), that a significant part of the heterosexual population engages in anal sex (sometimes she using a strap-on on him, yes this is straight guys). In fact, one source I saw said that A HIGHER PERCENTAGE OF HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES HAD ANAL SEX THAN THE PERCENTAGE OF HOMOSEXUAL COUPLES WHO DID...(I guess maybe oral is more exciting?) In any case, it's a very poor argument, and falls apart under any real analysis.
Money quote (Brad): "My embrace of gay marriage DERIVES from, rather than contradicts, my family advocacy."
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way.